This is a trip that we organised last month. Dragging everybody up Penang Hill. If you have a Malaysian MyKad and student card, your 2-way ticket for the furnicular train will only cost RM4. The same price as a plate of Pattaya Fried Rice.
The weather up there was surprisingly cool, considering the fact that Penang is one big hot smokin' oven. Finding a cool place here is like trying to shave your pet porcupine using a penknife with both your feet tied to a Proton Saga (with engine missing).

Us guys.

Them gals.
You can get a pretty awesome view of Penang Island from the top of the hill. Grab some binoculars if you ever go up there. Do some sightseeing while you enjoy the cool breeze.

Enjoy the view from the top!

Lots of trees. Guaranteed fresh air up there.

Nice view, provided there is no forest fire.
Honestly there aren't many things to see up there if you don't want to walk too far. You can always ask a buggy to fetch you somewhere, but we preferred the exercise we were getting. For those who would like to relive their childhood, there is a playground up there. For the rest of you, well... there is a large rusty cannon.

Cannon in D.

After hanging around for approximately 2 hours we descended from the hill. That night we had Ms Carole's farewell dinner (she was in-charge of us for Pirates Ahoy). The dinner involved a large number of clams. I'll blog about it if I can get my hands on some photos.
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