Siput and the Beach

Doing excavation work at the beach is always a good way to start the year. More so if you haven't been digging for clams (siput) for a long time. The downside is after the action, your legs hurt from the squatting. A lot. It's okay though. I could use some exercise after warming my seat at work 8 hours daily.

Yield for the moment.

Yield for the day. We filled about 2 inches of that pail.

Mr Fisherman has come home.

Love this photo! Twilight without vampires!

I'll have to grab every opportunity to go to the beach. After touching down in Australia I doubt I'll ever have the time to hunt for siput. That is, even if they do exist in Kangarooland. My new year's resolution is to enjoy every bit of Penang to the max before I leave for a year.

Wish me luck folks!


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