Real Steel

I'm taking break from my books to talk about a movie I managed to catch recently. It's about some fun, and at times senseless, brutality involving robots.

Here we have Hugh Jackman, the guy famous for playing Wolverine in the X-Men series. Think pointy-haired guy with blades protruding from the back of his hands. Yeah that's him. This time he's a loser who tries to make a difference after finding his son, who in turn finds a big, bulky robot (see above).

The fight scenes between the robots were awesome, especially towards the end of the movie. No doubt about that. The acting was okay too, and although I read in a newspaper review that the script was horrible, I personally felt it was still within acceptable standards. There was nothing interesting about the movie's dialogue, but at least it wasn't completely boring.

So, if you're looking for a movie with lots of noise (crushing metal) and a fair share of action, Real Steel's the one for you.


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