The Week's Updates

First up, BANANAS. I know they probably don't mean anything interesting to you, but I'd like to show a rather tiny comb found in my Grandma's garden. She probably has enough banana plants in her garden to feed the entire neighbourhood. No kidding.

To the left is your typical banana comb. To the right is the tiny comb.

As you can see, I was pretty free during the first week of the semester.

The ridiculous amount of these yellow fruits in my house probably caused me some stomach problems later in the week, but I'll spare you the details.

Next, a less organic topic. Semester 4. The timetable was nice until it became well... not so nice. Unless you like classes on Saturday. You probably already know this if you read my classmates' blogs. Nearly all of them mention Saturday's tax class in one way or another. In usual fashion, the first week means not much teaching and not much work. So you've got plenty of time to hang around or hang yourself. OK that was pretty random. Never mind. This semester we got both tax and law coming at our throats. Potentially damaging but hopefully we'll find our way through like last time.

Oh... and you'll love to hear that our friends, the Master Tax Guide, will soon have friends from the corporate legal sector joining them. 3 thick volumes of corporate legislation. I love everything about the new books except their price tags. Not unusual. I'll probably matchmake my 3 volumes of tax guide with the 3 volumes of corporate law. After all, every hero needs a matching heroine. But more of that next time.


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