Shape Shifting Robots

The stupid flowers I planted a week ago just won't grow. Bet the seeds are dead and gone by now, but this post is not about a failed gardening project.

Today I met up with my pals again and we watched Transformers: Revenge of the Sith... I mean Fallen. That means if you fall on the road you have the right to take revenge on the banana skin that you slipped on. Even if you're not a Transformer.

Sorry pals, I have not been getting enough sleep lately so I'm deviating more than usual. Makes sense? Yes? No? Ar... whatever.

It's a good movie. Great plot coupled up with spectacular effects. It has it's laughs too. If you haven't seen the movie I strongly urge you to. If you've seen the movie... well you may watch it again too if you really like it that much.

While the Autobots and Decepticons rage on with their war in cinemas, I found a way to not forget a cinema reservation number. It does not make me a genius or a Nobel prize winner, but it's an idea. Even if it's a bloody lousy one.

You take a pen and write the number on your hand. See? Tadaa!

I sense many of you would like to initiate acts of violence similar to that in the Transformer movie on me. Can't blame you, I'm the one who gave the crappy idea.

Before I suffer the fate of most of the Decepticons, that is, being torn to pieces, I better make the run for it.

Oh ya and I'll plant another pot of flowers tomorrow. Hopefully this one works. Any advice please contact me. If you think I'm crazy to keep talking about bunga-bunga, tell me also.

I just remembered I said I wanted to run. So I better go now.


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