Dear Consolidation Accountants

After working through my consolidation assignment, I would like to say THANK YOU on behalf of the entire planet to all accountants out there working on drafting consolidated financial statements. I never realised you guys had such a sh*tty job. It must have been so hard on you guys.

We, the stakeholders and end users of the consolidated statements, would like to express our appreciation for those sleepless nights and emotional breakdowns and spells of violence and insanity and eating disorders etc etc etc you had to endure to present before us the Consolidated Financial Statements of ABCXYZ Ltd for the financial period ending 30 June 201X.

I believe I speak for everyone when I say you all are geniuses for being able to balance the unbalanceable, tie the untieable and tally the untallyable. I'm sure this makes sense to you guys.

Also, please note that I probably won't be joining you all in this profession. So with one guy short, please do keep up the good work :P


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