
有quite some time 没有 update 了. 今天就来 abuse 我的blog 讲一点废话.

According to my calculations, if that 2012 thing does happen, I will not have to take my Curtin Finals. Is this good news? Depends. That means in year 2012 I won't have to worry too much about results. Hmm...

It also means I have to find a gf before December 2012, but I don't wanna rush into this thing. Alamak if Teng Shin sees this he'll 酸 me until 连渣都没. After all it was held in the case of You Publish v You Liable (2009) 7 NSWLR 67 that a person publishing his thoughts is liable to endure any comments resulting.

However, in Believers of Mayan Predictions v Sceptics Ltd (2012) HCA 23, (yes I have access to future cases) it was held that parties enduring embarrassing comments would not have to worry too much as the world would end. How lucky of me.

Up to this point I want you to scroll down to my previous post and study the case of Kap v Siao (2009). Am I wasting my time? You bet.

There is a more recent case of Kap Siao & Co Ltd v Lu Mang Kap Siao Pty Ltd (2009) HCA 722. The plaintiff sued the defendant for stopping people from talking rubbish and hence, wasting their time. The High Court held that people should be allowed to do what they want with their time, even if it meant wasting it. An injunction was issued against the defendant forbidding future stopping of rubbish-talkers. That's why I am talking so much crap here.

By the way use your brains and you will know NEVER to quote my cases in your law finals. If you still do so, you deserve to kick the bucket first when 2012 comes.

Not to forget...

The author of this blog shall be in no way, directly or indirectly, liable for any misleading information obtained from this blog. All cases are for amusement purposes only and hold no weight in reality. Don't sue me for the tort of negligent misstatement.


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