I'm Back!

Now that I have a bit of time to cakap allow me to explain my mysterious hiatus from blogging for the past 3 weeks.

I was involved in the preparation of the INTI Horror Fest, organised by SOBA (School of Business and Accounting for those unfamiliar with the term). In the process I have grown a lot wiser, and have gained priceless experience especially in the field of tomb and coffin making.

Coffins out of cardboard, that is.

No, nobody died. Those are just decorative items.

Yes, coffins as decorative items. I'm not joking folks.

After all, it's a HORROR fest. What's a horror fest without coffins? Or eerie sculptures and eyeballs and spiders?

Hectic and busy as it was, it was actually fun. You don't get to stay late in college and do messy work everyday you know? And the committee actually managed to build a kind of haunted tunnel. Very ambitious, but it worked out. Impressive, I must say.

Somehow they had the guts to allow me to build most of the game booth stuff with Victor (he's a nice guy), and help coordinate some program flow on the actual day. A daring move, as I've never done anything like that before. Fortunately I managed, albeit a few glitches here and there. It's a tiring job, but very fulfilling at the same time.

Of course, the best part is meeting lots of new friends from other semesters and programs. There are actually a lot of nice people out there. Now that's a happy thought.

If I had less assignments, I would have willingly did it all over again. Indeed, the one perfect word to describe the Horror Fest is undeniably "Wow!".

Before Ewe Juan continues his battle in episode 2 of the Assignmentopia series, he would like to thank everyone for giving him the opportunity to help out in the Fest, and in having the confidence in him even when he saw nothing but dead ends.



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