It was after all, still CNY, so a small group of us decided to hold a reunion pot luck. Not that we do not see each other. We see each other till sien already, but we wanted to call it a reunion, and so be it. I brought a simple version of trifle. Don't know what it is? Well, I just learned about this dessert 2 days ago too. It's supposed to be dessert made of a layer of cake, then jelly/custard and fruit. Many versions. I had to keep it in an improvised model of an ice box.
Participants of the pot luck were able to showcase awe-inspiring culinary skills, which made our lunch much more enjoyable than I initially expected it to be.
The main course.
I have to thank my mum for teaching me about this dessert in the first place. The cake layer at the bottom was her work. I only helped out with the fruit and jelly. I don't mind telling you I can't cook. If you told me to fry chicken I would probably leave the chicken in the garden and hope that the sun fries it for me.
...okay maybe I'm not that dumb.
This is what I brought. It's partly missing I know.
...okay maybe I'm not that dumb.
Pity the cafeteria uncle. We ordered nothing but borrowed his plates. He was actually nice enough to let us use them.
Ban Korh's birthday is tomorrow, so we decided to just throw a mini celebration for him. It lasted about 10 minutes due to lack of time, but at least we managed to wish him happy birthday.
Ban Korh's birthday is tomorrow, so we decided to just throw a mini celebration for him. It lasted about 10 minutes due to lack of time, but at least we managed to wish him happy birthday.