He's not mad...well at least that's what he thinks.
This Is Me
- Ewe Juan
- First of all, I am human(surprise). I do: (1)Enjoy playing the piano and organ(but I don't know if I'm making noise or music). (2)Talk more trash than truth at times. (3)Talk to myself a lot. (4) Appreciate a good joke. I don't: (1)Smoke. (2)Play with fire. (3)Look like Sean Connery. I can: (1)Make silly faces. (2)Sit down thinking for hours on end. (3)Daydream for even longer. I can't: (1)Speak in public without panicking. (2)Walk through walls. (3)Turn mud into oatmeal. By the way, I'm not the duckling or the kitten. I just like the photo.
These Are My Friends
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Pics From Here And There
Crap Time!
Out And About Again
It's Friday, and it means a new MPW subject. Taking the place of Malaysian Studies is none other than Moral Education. Yup, M'sian Studies is history folks! Ehhh... it's been about history all along anyway. However, mesa gotta feeling that it's like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. Although relatively thin compared to M'sian Studies, the Moral text is not to be underestimated, as it packs quite a punch. People get punched just by looking at it.
Fear not, my comrades, for we shall have the aid of an MPW lecturer that can tell stories and talk non-stop like a tommy gun with a magazine the size of Optimus Prime! That's a lot of bullets.
Okay enough of the crap. After saying high... I mean hi to our new MPW lecturer, we as morally-inclined beings remembered to say bye and went on a lunch-hunt. That's after we got our 'Budgeting' textbook with a thickness matching the country's constitution... but wait till you see the Management Accounting one. If that book falls on your foot, the book will be fine but you may get a few fractured bones.
Alright, I admit that's a bit exaggerated, but the point is, those books are really thick and heavy.
But doomed or not, I still have to sleep. So, good night.
If My Plants Were Growing Money
if that they could do
if the money would never end
if it was forever true
Then in INTI where it's 'In' to be
i'll not have to worry
for all those *@%$# photocopying fees
would mean nothing to me!
Yet bloody hell as my books pile up
the plants are all just dying
it's not just any storm in a teacup
'cause the money's just not coming!
If my plants were growing money
if that they could do
if the money would never end
if it was forever true
What a joy, what a happy ending
to all those horrible payments
but I guess I could just be dreaming
so I'll continue with my laments.
... Poem ends here. I'll save the complaining and lamenting to myself. Thank me.
Pack Your Bags And Get Back To College!!!
Oh yes and I overhauled the blog. Surprisingly I managed to get it done without crashing any programs. For me, that's quite an achievement. How long did it take?
A bloody 5 hours.
Yes to me it's still an achievement. I was never the computer wizard. Heheh...
My parents are kinda worried that I may get infected with H1N1 in INTI. Well... I suppose if I'm unlucky enough to land in that situation there's nothing much I can do. Yup and INTI's not that bad. Despite the parking problem that even the heavens can't solve, and a lot more crazy, crappy stuff going around, it's still a nice place to study.
After all, INTI is an 'IN' place. Only 'IN' people go there. It's written all over the name.
Better not sleep too late. I don't wanna look like a panda on my first day back. Nitez.
Results Here! Or Not?
This is the tree closest to us. Ya I know as though you haven't seen a tree before. And the green stuff is some parasite or epiphyte, but that's a different story.
Zhong Yang's prays that the Pan Mee won't taste that bad. The others do not seem too worried. His prayers were answered, although the Pan Mee wasn't too outstanding either. Or maybe my taste buds just needed a day off.
The others. Ken seems to be staring at something. I don't know what.
After our lunch some of us went to BJ and some went to Queensbay. Then we regrouped at Ai-Lynn's house.
Ended up watching a DVD, Last House On The... darn was it Left or Right? Whatever laa.
That's the 'Last Man On The Left'. Different version of last house. The movie was errrrrr... not what we thought it was. I'll spare you the details.
But it was gross at times. Lots of blood and stuff that looked like blood but was more like red goo. Apparently if you close your eyes the gross stuff will dissappear, or at least that's what the photo looks like it's telling.
After the movie that seemed to drag on forever (you know, I thought that if the characters really bled that much they would have been dead earlier, it's surprising how hard they are to kill), we started to talk crap, crap and more crap until we decided that we have exhausted our crappy ideas.
Then it was time to leave. More crap next time. The end.
Zebra vs Zirafah
Pantun Bosan
A Visit To The Lion's House
...the anticipation...
...the excitement...
...the board games...
By now you must be wondering what or who I meant by "Lion".
Here i wish to clarify that 'Lion' is our friend, Yee Ching. No she doesn't roar. That's our group playing Monopoly, the only game where you can buy Gurney Drive for less than RM100K.
Ken's wondering if that thing can be eaten. I think it's air freshener, so he's lucky he didn't try it.
Then comes this board game. It's called Cluedo. In it you get to play CSI and catch some murderer that can even be yourself. Yeah who says the detective can't be the murderer? It's pretty fun.
It takes quite some brains and memory to get your stuff right. If you're not sure of what to do, just go around the place suggesting 1001 kinds of weapons and 1001 suspects in 1001 different locations. You're bound to get it right... eventually.
It was a fun-filled afternoon with you all. Thanks friends for the good time!