Crap Time!

Nothing's better than writing all sorts of crap on your blog after a tiring day at college. After all, it's my blog. Who cares if I crap too much?

Speaking about crap... did you know that guano, bat's dung is used as fertilizer? I don't know how well... fertilizing this fertilizer is but it's fertilizer anyway. Point is, it's fertilizer and it may smell bad. Don't try smelling it. It'll probably give you an allergy that will make the doctors think you've got H1N1. Influenza A. The only good thing about getting Influenza A is that you can declare " I scored an A!!!". Well to us students it's a dream come true to score A, but nobody wants the Influenza part. We all know why.

Speaking about why... yes 'why', why is 'why' spelt as 'w-h-y'? Can't they spell it as 'waai' or 'whai'? Ah perhaps it's because 'why' is three letters long only. The others are four. How smart of me to figure that out. Must be the Pattaya Fried Rice I had today. I tell you there's something in that stuff that makes us smarter. I'm feeling smarter already. Maybe it's the chilly sauce. I swear the lady poured half a bottle on my rice.

If you think my lessons are driving me nuts, I'm starting to think so too.

Australian business law is law.

Fortunately or unfortunately.

Don't ask me what I'm saying I don't know too.

By the way law can be interesting and boring at the same time. Interesting because of the cases. Boring because of the cases. Two extremes. Mix it with a long list of weird terminology and long-winded, yet pro-in-some-way sounding statements, and you have, well... Australian Business Law. It has nothing to do with toilets, although it says 'Business' law. I suppose there's not much law related to our personal matters in the jamban.

Jamban means toilet. Jambatan is bridge. Jabatan is department. Don't rojak it up.

Jabatan Jamban Jambatan is Bridge Toilet Department.

In the jamban you can do all kinds of stuff. Mesa spare you the examples, except for one, brush teeth. Gosok gigi.

After gosok gigi, you either eat your breakfast or go to sleep.

No breakfast at this time of the night, so go to sleep. Tomorrow another busy day awaits me. Phew.


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