Post Mortem

Alright folks this post is a bit late. Sorry I mean very late, but better late than never I guess. After the Pirates thing we had a post mortem, which allowed us to review our weaknesses, apologize for what we did wrong and get praised for what we did well. It also gave us the excuse to talk nonsense and organize a barbecue after the serious discussion.

Big boss talking. Must listen.

Bigger boss talking. Must must listen.

The focus of the evening was of course, the barbecue. Not the post mortem. It's difficult to have a long meeting when you know you have frozen fish balls and sausages and chicken waiting outside to be cooked. We quickly finished talking and went to the rooftop, where we could cook and pollute the air without suffocating.

Skewering all the foodstuff, and posing for the camera.

Those not on the skewer squad proceeded to play with fire.

Food skewered, pits ready, can cook.

Some of the yummies on offer.

Siao sampats in action.

Jump for joy. Though I don't recommend jumping too much after eating.

This concludes our pirate-themed adventure. I bet it was a journey worthwhile for all of us :-)


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