Results Here! Or Not?

No, our TAFE results are not here yet. They have remained elusive for the past few weeks, and even the lecturer is finding it weird that this year's results are so late. Our results are from Australia, so maybe the customs officers quarantined them for a week or more. You know the H1N1 craze. Anything's possible.

With our results out of our reach, all we could do in INTI was enrol for the next semester.

So our usual group with a recent addition of Zhong Yang met in the hospital-like college, and paid up our semester fees. With that done, we went out in search for lunch, and we ended up eating under some trees. The place is known among us as 'that famous pan mee under the tree in BJ wan'.

The problem is, there are many trees in BJ. Big and small. Tall and short. Which tree?

Luckily my wise coursemates succeeded in locating the tree, which turned out to be trees. Plural.
This is the tree closest to us. Ya I know as though you haven't seen a tree before. And the green stuff is some parasite or epiphyte, but that's a different story.
Zhong Yang's prays that the Pan Mee won't taste that bad. The others do not seem too worried. His prayers were answered, although the Pan Mee wasn't too outstanding either. Or maybe my taste buds just needed a day off.

The others. Ken seems to be staring at something. I don't know what.

After our lunch some of us went to BJ and some went to Queensbay. Then we regrouped at Ai-Lynn's house.

Ended up watching a DVD, Last House On The... darn was it Left or Right? Whatever laa.

That's the 'Last Man On The Left'. Different version of last house. The movie was errrrrr... not what we thought it was. I'll spare you the details.

But it was gross at times. Lots of blood and stuff that looked like blood but was more like red goo. Apparently if you close your eyes the gross stuff will dissappear, or at least that's what the photo looks like it's telling.

After the movie that seemed to drag on forever (you know, I thought that if the characters really bled that much they would have been dead earlier, it's surprising how hard they are to kill), we started to talk crap, crap and more crap until we decided that we have exhausted our crappy ideas.

Then it was time to leave. More crap next time. The end.


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